At Edstart we know that sports provision will be different in every country, which is why we have an adaptable business model to suit the services needed within your chosen area.
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Vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stetclita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Loremipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetursadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor inviduntut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.At vero eos et accusam et justo.
16/11/21 – Year 3 to 6
St Andrews CE Primary School, Vicars Hall Lane, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M28 1HS
Sporting Superstars may include rounders, cricket, dodgeball, athletics, tennis,
handball plus many more activities!
16/11/21 – Year 3 to 6
St Andrews CE Primary School, Vicars Hall Lane, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M28 1HS
Sporting Superstars may include rounders, cricket, dodgeball, athletics, tennis,
handball plus many more activities!
16/11/21 – Year 3 to 6
St Andrews CE Primary School, Vicars Hall Lane, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M28 1HS
Sporting Superstars may include rounders, cricket, dodgeball, athletics, tennis,
handball plus many more activities!
Whether your area has more of a focus on nurseries or kindergartens, privately paid afterschool, evening and weekend provisions, or maybe your area’s weather and terrains only suit certain sports. With the Edstart International business model, you will have the power to make it work using our proven and successful programmes!
Initial meetings with the managing directors will help create a clear idea of how to begin your international career.
Ongoing remote training and assistance will be provided. Support with accounts, marketing, social media, and company operations will be carried out regularly.
Yes, our ambassadors will be more than happy to assist your offerings via remote learning/assembly presentations.
Subject to availability and permissions (please ask for details).